· The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both bit and bit. - DB Compatibility. ODBC driver for Oracle supports Oracle servers: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, , including Oracle Express Edition 11g and 10g. Oracle 12c client or the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver (or both). Some report writing tools, such as SAS or Crystal Reports, can use either the Oracle client to access the database directly in its own language, or use the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver to access the database indirectly using ODBC as a type of middle-layer “translator”. For example, MicrosoftFile Size: KB. · Oracle 12c client or the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver (or both). Some report writing tools, such as SAS or Crystal Reports, can use either the Oracle client to access the database directly in its own language, or use the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver to access the database indirectly using ODBC as a type of middle-layer “translator”. For example, Microsoft.
Install the Oracle ODBC Driver. Download the Oracle Instant Client Basic and ODBC packages from Instant Client Downloads for macOS (Intel x86).. To reduce the installation size, the Basic Light package be used instead of Basic, if its character sets and languages are sufficient. ( and bit drivers are available for all supported databases and platforms unless otherwise noted.) ODBC Version Support. Compatible with ODBC applications; Database Support. Oracle Database: Oracle 19c R1 () and higher; Oracle 18c R1 () and higher; Oracle 12c R1 () and higher; Oracle 11g R1 () and higher. The Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb will not run with old versions of sqsapidll or sqsapidll. Use the Microsoft ODBC Administrator to configure your data sources. In a change from v2 releases, the name of the driver as it appears in the Administrator's list is "Oracle Rdb Driver". This will allow you to change existing v2 data sources (under.
The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both bit and bit. - DB Compatibility. ODBC driver for Oracle supports Oracle servers: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, , including Oracle Express Edition 11g and 10g. Click Here to Download Oracle 12c client or the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver (or both). Some report writing tools, such as SAS or Crystal Reports, can use either the Oracle client to access the database directly in its own language, or use the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver to access the database indirectly using ODBC as a type of middle-layer “translator”. Downloading the Oracle 12c Client. The clients are stored on the UW Box service so you may be prompted to login with your NetID and password. Select on the following item(s) that you want to download. bit version. bit version. Once you are in the Box environment, click on the download button on the top right of the screen. Note.