· Port is listening so, so you either have a Webmin installation problem, or the SSH may be creating a problem for Webmin. I would recommend disabling the SSH, going back to non-SSL. Check and see if port is Webmin GUI? If not, purge Webmin install. apt-get --purge remove webmin Reinstall Webmin using the instructions from WebminReviews: · 1. Firstly on the left, under Webmin, select Backup Configuration Files. 2. Then, select Webmin modules to backup. You can select multiple modules with the Ctrl key or all modules between two modules with the Shift key. 3. Next, select a backup destination: local file, external FTP server, external SSH server, or browser download. 4. Restore the Virtualmin backup. Save a new configuration backup and compare to old configuration backup. Fix any significant differences by editing config files and/or installing missing programs. 3. External Backup. The next question is what to do with the backup. Virtualmin has built in Amazon S3 access but this doesn't take other backup files.
If you prefer to manually edit your ProFTPD configuration file in some cases or just want to see which directives an action in Webmin has set, you can do so using this module. Except for the default server, every object's options page (virtual server, per-directory and per-command) has an icon labeled Edit Directives. The Backup interface allows you to download and store your site in a backup file. This interface also allows you to restore your website from a backup file. Note: Newer users may prefer to use the Backup Wizard interface (cPanel Home Files Backup Wizard).; The system stores backup files as tarballs that use bltadwin.ru file extension.; Some settings only appear if your hosting. The Backup Configuration Files module can now backup the Webmin config file associated with a module, and a list of other arbitary files. The Cron module allows a start and end date to be specified for jobs. Added support for SQL queries and updates to the Custom Commands module.
Added checkboxes to control if the Webmin config file for the target modules (in /etc/webmin) and the actual server config files (like bltadwin.ru) are included in each backup. Added a button on the Edit Backup page to execute it immediately. Extra files to include in each backup that are not associated with any module can now be manually entered. Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely. See the standard modules page for a. Select a backup destination: local file, external FTP server, external SSH server, or browser download. Specify other files to include in the backup: module configuration files, server configuration files, and other files listed in the text box at the bottom of the page. At the bottom, select Backup Now. Schedule Webmin Configuration Backups.